Created in His image says Gen 1:27. We often confuse that ‘image’ mentioned in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible with our physical appearance.
That misunderstanding has led to an offshoot of black identity groups that seek to separate themselves from what is mistakenly termed the white man’s religion.
And while historical records clearly indicate characters in the Bible, Jesus included, were not the European representations shown in western Christianity the battle still rages over what Christ looks like.
Why is that? Because we are confusing who God really is.
The image the Bible speaks of is one of spirit and not physical characteristics. Colossians 1:15 states Christ is the invisible God, the first born of all creation. So our image is more about us displaying the characteristics of God: love, compassion, and mercy. illustrated in Exodus 34:6, towards our fellow man.
Being woke in Christ isn’t about a validation of our physical identity it’s about the continuing maturation process of our spiritual one.