
A very touchy subject among most people let alone Christians.

Let’s not get into the 10% or whether you think your giving should be based on your gross or net income.

We don’t have enough space in this post to cover every angle someone might have about the subject.

But whether you tithe or not there’s a couple of things to consider.

One, tithing is not tied to your salvation. So you’re not getting into Heaven if you tithe and don’t believe in Jesus as the Son of God who died for your sins and was resurrected.

Tithing doesn’t change the fact that we are saved by grace through by faith so you can’t buy your way past your unbelief.

Two, God is the Creator and provides all resources for everyone (those that tithe and those that don’t and everything in between).

Lastly, if we have truly accepted God as our Saviour, and made him Lord over our life then giving any amount whether required or not would be an honor.

I believe the biggest issue Christians have with tithing/giving is not that they don’t believe in God for salvation but they haven’t made him Lord over their life.

You can believe in God and still have other lords over your earthly life. For instance if you don’t give because you are more concerned about making your rent payment then your land lord is the lord you are giving preference to.

While I truly believe you should never give what isn’t out of love, I also believe you’ll never give all you can until you make Jesus the Lord over all things in your life.

There is no percentage on the unconditional love that God has shown us as we are now heirs to His eternal holy Kingdom.

Frank Turner is the founder of Break Bread, Break Chains and is the co-host of the following podcasts: Defund The Church, Relative Currency, Politically Entertaining, and Christ over Crypto. He is also the founder and creator of the op-ed site Fake News Syndicate.