Podcasts. Devotionals. Interviews.

Who’s got your back?

When is the last time you told someone the thing you were struggling with most in your life? Maybe it was marital strife, problems with children, health, or financial problems. Whatever your issue, it’s not natural for most people, especially men, to share their...

Religious Rebel

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) is probably one of the most famous parables in the Bible. Of all the parables that Jesus told, this story always comes to mind because of the redemptive power of God’s grace that is displayed through the father in this story. While it...

I Don’t Do That Anymore

Have you ever seen someone observe a person, doing something less than desirable (cursing, drinking, smoking, etc), and then comment about how they don’t do said activity any more? Better yet have you yourself done the same thing? I know for fact I have done that....

Are you living a generous life?

Are you generous? If you ask most people that question they would tell you, ‘Yes, of course’. Most people would think of the times they had been nice to someone and given somebody something and count it in their generosity column. But generosity can’t simply be...

Divinely Persuaded

Have you ever told someone to have more faith when counseling them in a difficult time? Has someone ever counseled you with the same advice? While that phrase seems like good advice it’s actually akin to the idea of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. The Greek...

True Love

With Valentine’s day just in the rear view mirror it’s the perfect time to talk about love. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s day or not (I believe it to be a personal preference) you can’t argue that the day encourages people show love towards one another....

Hide and Seek

What does it look like to seek God? For many people a certain number of devotionals read, tithes given, or hours serving might constitute a definition of seeking God. But lets dig deeper into the scripture text of Hebrews 11:6 to get a clearer picture. Now without...

All In Truth

How should you praise and worship God? (hands raised, singing, jumping, shouting, standing quietly)Is there a difference between praise and worship?If they are different can there be times when they are one in the same? If you asked 100 Christians from different...

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Remember the old life alert commercials? If we’re honest we’ve all chuckled during the advertisement when the old lady cried she had fallen and she can’t get up. And while that might have been a comical reenactment of a serious situation, we all have fallen in a way...

Cloud Coverage

1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18 says: Rejoice always, Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. That sounds pretty simple. But speaking for myself I rarely follow those instructions. Why is that? It’s so easy to forget the...

Writing off your losses

You’ve probably filed your taxes a number of times throughout your life. While it sometimes can be a tedious process there is a place on your taxes where you can deduct financial losses. Whether it be from a business or losses in an investment you can deduct a portion...

The Next Level

Ask anyone looking for a spiritual breakthrough and they’ll make some reference to finding a new level or getting to a place where they will find said breakthrough. Before we get into the Biblical context lets look at a joke often told in this regard. There is a man...

Is your anger righteous?

s your anger righteous? It certainly feels that way sometimes, right? You gave your spouse or children explicit instructions on what to do and they still didn’t do it. Seems like righteous rage to me. However, James chapter 1 verse 20 seems to disagree with that...

Time to put down some roots

He is like a tree planted beside streams of waterthat bears its fruit in seasonand whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers. Psalms 1:3 – HCSB Who doesn’t want to prosper in everything they do? Most people reading this would say of I course I want to...

How To Enter Into The Kingdom of God

We often conflate spreading religious ideals with the mandate of proliferating the Kingdom of God. Here Frank Turner and Collins Akintade discuss the importance of acting as a Kingdom citizen and the value of having true fellowship among others believers.

Fit to be Tithed

Tithing. A very touchy subject among most people let alone Christians. Let’s not get into the 10% or whether you think your giving should be based on your gross or net income. We don’t have enough space in this post to cover every angle someone might have about the...

Birth of a Blessing

God has blessed me to be a father. Fortunately, I have been in my daughter’s life from day one, including the day she was born. For those of you reading this who are fathers, or have witnessed a live birth, you surely understand what an intense experience it is. I...