Podcasts. Devotionals. Interviews.

Works that Matter

Ever wasted your time doing something you knew wasn’t going to last? Sadly, I do it far too often. There have been many times when I scrolled through the comment section of an article and either spent time trying to correct people’s assertions or just spent time...

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. I’ve said the Lord’s prayer many times, in fact my Mom ‘helped’ me learn it at the tender age of 3. But in all of the times I’ve recited that prayer I’ve never really understood its full meaning. You...

Grace is only Amazing if you truly understand it

How many times have we taken God’s grace for granted? Don’t worry you won’t be able to remember all of the times you did. God’s grace is in such great abundance around us it is easy to miss it as you wake up every morning and get started with your day. Often times it...

Don’t trade God things for good things

Have you ever heard someone say I’ve got to get right with God? Mostly likely you have , quite possibly it was you who may have said it. Often times when people make this statement they have strayed away from their relationship with Christ and have fallen prey to the...

Do you really want to go to Heaven?

Do you want to go to Heaven? It seems like a no-brainer but it’s not. The real question is do you want God? Heaven is about spending an eternity with God and getting to know the mysteries of His awesome nature. With that focus in mind, are the pursuits you are chasing...

Are you following your instincts?

Do you feel like God has left you wandering? Your job is ok on the surface but deep down you’re miserable. But how miserable are you? Are just upset today because of a bad day or are you ready to start walking in God’s purpose for your life? Are you able to hear...

Stay Woke Christians!

Created in His image says Gen 1:27. We often confuse that ‘image’ mentioned in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible with our physical appearance.  That misunderstanding has led to an offshoot of black identity groups that seek to separate themselves from...