Permanent God

Permanent God

In a baby’s first few months of life they have a very limited understanding of what actually exists.The ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be seen or heard, known as object permanence, is not fully understood until...
Hopefully Devoted

Hopefully Devoted

According to Urban dictionary, Stan is defined as a very, very overzealous and obsessed fan of a celebrity/band/cast of a tv show or movie.An Eminem song of the same name depicts a man who drives off of a cliff with his pregnant wife because his favorite rapper...
You are Legend

You are Legend

Succeeding a legend can be difficult.There is often great pressure on the successor to perform at the same level as their predecessor.In sports when a legendary coach retires, the next coach bears the responsibility of meeting the high expectations previously...
The Bill Comes Due

The Bill Comes Due

For those who live and work in the United States, April 15th has become synonymous with taxes.Failure to file your tax return truthfully or before the specified deadline could lead to major penalties from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).For many people the fear of...