Almost Rejected

Almost Rejected

Today, honey crisp is the third most grown variety of apple in the United States and it continues to grow in popularity each year. However, in the mid 1970s the honey crisp apple was once scheduled to be discarded. During the cultivation process the...
Instructions To Follow

Instructions To Follow

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced many, varied opinions on the efficacy of vaccines. According to the dictionary a vaccine is defined as: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. Put more simply,...
14,000,605 Possibilities

14,000,605 Possibilities

In Marvel’s 2019 blockbuster action movie Infinity War, Dr. Strange explored 14,000,605 possible outcomes in order to defeat the mad titan, Thanos. However, after his search he explained to his companions that despite exploring all of those...
Beach Body

Beach Body

Founded in 1998, Beach Body is a publicly traded fitness and media company that offers a number of in-home exercise regimens that are available on both DVD and streaming formats. Shaun T, famous for workout routines such as Insanity and T-25, is one of Beach...
Anthropomorphic Savior

Anthropomorphic Savior

My daughter recently discovered the word anthropomorphic. She asked me why many animals in cartoons can talk and do things like people. I explained to her that the creators of those cartoons wanted to give the animals characteristics and expressions that were...