Is your anger righteous?

s your anger righteous? It certainly feels that way sometimes, right? You gave your spouse or children explicit instructions on what to do and they still didn’t do it. Seems like righteous rage to me. However, James chapter 1 verse 20 seems to disagree with that...

Time to put down some roots

He is like a tree planted beside streams of waterthat bears its fruit in seasonand whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers. Psalms 1:3 – HCSB Who doesn’t want to prosper in everything they do? Most people reading this would say of I course I want to...

How To Enter Into The Kingdom of God

We often conflate spreading religious ideals with the mandate of proliferating the Kingdom of God. Here Frank Turner and Collins Akintade discuss the importance of acting as a Kingdom citizen and the value of having true fellowship among others believers.

Fit to be Tithed

Tithing. A very touchy subject among most people let alone Christians. Let’s not get into the 10% or whether you think your giving should be based on your gross or net income. We don’t have enough space in this post to cover every angle someone might have about the...