Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation

At the Hawking Radiation convention in 2015, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking was quoted as saying “If you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up. There’s a way out.”  Conventional thought is that a black hole’s...
Closer to Heaven

Closer to Heaven

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, ruled as Queen of England from February of 1952 until her death on September 8th, 2022.Her state funeral was attended by many leaders and dignitaries from around the world.When interviewed about the funeral one mourner had this to...
Not Your Average God

Not Your Average God

Kevyn Samuels was an internet personality and image consultant who rose to popularity for his controversial takes on women’s appearances and relationship standards. One of his most notable interviews included an exchange with a woman, who after laying out...
Through the Vine

Through the Vine

Before Tik-Tok, there was Vine. Founded in 2012, Vine was a short-form video hosting service where users could share six-second-long looping video clips. Often, people in Vine videos would chant ‘Do It For the Vine’, ‘I Ain’t Gonna Do it’ before performing...
Born Famous

Born Famous

Last year a good friend of mine and I visited L.A. for a couple of days.  While we were there we did quite a bit of sight-seeing. One of the most famous attractions we saw was the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Spanning nearly 1.5 miles, the Hollywood Walk of...
Baptized by the River

Baptized by the River

Last week I was in Chicago meeting up with some good friends and we decided to go on a kayak excursion. I had never been kayaking before and I assumed I could figure it out on the fly. Unfortunately, I struggled to keep pace with the group and ended up cap sizing my...