Good Gifts

Good Gifts

Last week my wife and my daughter made rainbow colored cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day. One night as my daughter was eating one of her cupcakes I poured her a glass of milk to go alongside. Much to her delight she drank the milk and asked me if there was any special...
The Perfect Diet

The Perfect Diet

In May of 2020 twin sisters, Merav and Michal Mor – both Ironman winners, and PhDs in physiology, created a metabolic measuring device called The Lumen. The Lumen allows a person to simply breathe into it and receive optimized dietary instructions based on their...
Learning To Rest

Learning To Rest

Learning To RestThis week I was wrestling with what to share as a devotional topic and scripture. Everything I was reading in scripture and seeing in my life was pointing to one thing: Rest!Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the things we do rather than...
Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification

Recently my daughter had the option of having chocolate ice cream for dessert or having a chocolate cupcake.The catch was the ice cream was available immediately, but the cupcake was only available after we got home. My daughter chose the ice cream and appeared...
The Proper Alignment

The Proper Alignment

If you’ve had a car for any length of time you’ve probably (hopefully) taken it to an auto shop for an alignment.Usually when the process is completed a technician will show you a before and after printout of your car’s alignment.There have been many...
A Larger Audience

A Larger Audience

Yesterday, the Superbowl took place between the Los Angeles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals.Coming into the game the cost for a 30 second advertisement checked in at a cool 6.5 million dollars.One question that always comes to mind is why do companies pay so much...