You Have An Ally

About 10 years ago Ally Bank aired a commercial where they gave a suitcase containing 100,000 dollars to complete strangers and then asked them to watch it. Many of the strangers reluctantly accepted the suitcase and watched it cautiously. During the commercial we are...

Assembly Required

Have you ever put together something complex? Maybe it was your child’s toy, a piece of furniture, or a home gym set. Once you opened the box and dumped everything out you probably looked for the instructions on how everything fit together. The funny thing is if you...

Your gift is just the beginning

We all want to be known for something. It’s part of our DNA. In fact God has granted all of us with unique gifts and talents. 1 Peter 4:10-11 says Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its...

Fast Forward

I might be dating myself here, but there was a time when some of my favorite shows were on VHS tapes. And the only way you could play said tapes were on VCRs. One of my favorite shows that I recorded on VHS was the Transformers. Sometimes I would fast forward through...

God is that You?

‘God said/told to me…’ It’s something we’ve probably all claimed at some point in our lives. But how exactly do we discern the difference between God’s voice and our own subconscious thoughts? More importantly are we willing to hear the answers if we don’t like them?...

Making Disciples

Even people who don’t believe in Jesus have heard of the 12 disciples. For those of us that do believe in Jesus we are probably familiar with the story found in the 4 gospels of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) which describe the disciples various...